Итак, настал этот час!

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Dear creators of the famous game "Fort Boyard"!
The group of Russian fans writes to you. We like so much this game show that is why is not indifferent to the today’s situation in the Fort. We implore you to listen to us.
1) It hurts to look at the fort today. The colorful cells, the scenery can’t be combined with the spirit of the old Fort. We believe we are not alone as we think.
Pére Fouras leads by the Council. Why not
Olivier Minne? It does not indicate the strength of the presenter as the Maître du Fort. He almost stays inactive, as in 2010.
3) A hostess is not in the Fort. Everybody is so used to female host, and everybody so sad that she is not there. What a pity that the game does not lead
Anne-Gaelle Riccio or
Sandrine Domingues or
Sarah Lelouch. Think about it!
4) New characters are some strange.
Lusiole is almost useless.
Lady Boo has another name -
Penelope. So, why would not return to her original name and did not take off her false mask? It's possible, the role of
Blanche you will have increased. But for the role of Judge, it seems to us, she was not intended. To do it the
Maîtres des Tenebres exists. But if you give
Blanche the role which was before in a
Lumineuse and
Bohémienne, it would be good.
5) We all so love composer Paul Koulak, who made the soundtrack to the game. And more we love his music.
Many music to hear is on
Fort-Boyard-Le-Repertoire site, but there's not so much wonderful music what has been used in Fort Boyard and we're asking you to allow us to listen to this music. We'll thank you very much.
6) We recommend you old rules of the game. The perfect one was 2005 year. Maybe you try to back to 2005? Not only in music. In graphic design, in epreuves and adventures and e.t.c.
7) And a last question: Did Russian TV came to Fort Boyard in 2010 to make new games? And what did it was? A big season or a little demo? We want you to tell us about that.
Hope you answer our questions and write to us back.
With respect and hopes, fans of “Fort Boyard” from Russia.